Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friend and Acquaintance

What's the different between friends and acquaintance?Can u tell me?On my opinion,acquaintance is just basicly called "hi and bye" friends who doesn't even care anything much about you..When an acquaintance pass by,they would just greet u,wouldn't even bother to ask how are u.Where as when a friends passes u,they would ask how well are you.A acquaintance is defined as a person one knows slightlywhere as friend is defined as a person whom one has a bond of mutual affection..Sure u can see a difference between both of them..Friends who really understands you is very hard to find..If u have one,u should not lose him/her..Friends who let u to spill over your problem,share your feeling,cheer u up when you are at the worst state,who believe u till the end no matter what,who see you as who you are not what you are and who is always there when u need them..Nw u know who your true friends are..So what are you to your friend?An aquaintance or a friend?IS he/she worthy a to be a friend?If u have a friend which u are not treating well then make up to him/her..What would u prefer?Friend or acquaintance?

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Tired as day goes on..As time passes on slowly,i am searching through my soul forsomething which is lost long time ago..Waiting to be awakened..Waiting to be revived..Human are created with flaws so that human will be stronger when they overcome the flaws..People's response to a circumstances will be different as people have unique anddifferent personality which makes the world perfect and nice place to live in..Think of your loved ones and appreciate them while they are still alive as they maybe gone tomorrow..For memory is what is left..If you have something thats missing in your soul then you should start searching as well..Good luck ^.^